31 March 2015

The Confession

It just, I am not that strong girl anymore.

The ignorance make me feel like, "Oh I see, there is no one for me anymore. No one will be able to love me anymore". I think the feeling of rejection is better than the feeling of ignorance without answer. It just feels like a silly thought that make me feel this way. I do not think that I will be able to handle this. 

Saya tidak tahu dari mana datangnya keberanian untuk confess dengan kau. Saya sendiri hairan. Mungkin sebab tercabar oleh kata-kata kawan yang cakap, "Bah, tunggulah dya kena ambik orang baru mahu telan air liur", " Jangan ego, please make a move. Kalau tidak sekarang bila lagi?" and so on.

But akhirnya, masih disini menanti. Bezanya dya tahu perasaan saya and saya malu dengan dya. Oh God, kenapa la saya confess?

Full of Regret,

- yean -


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