02 June 2017

Betrayal and trust.

Assalamualaikum wbt.

Well hello people. Belum sebulan pun post saya yang lepas, sudah ada post baru. Saja maw luah perasaan di sini. Sebab saya tahu, tiada orang datang sini pun. Hahaha.

26th of May 2017. I will always remember this date. Why? Sebab hari ini merupakan hari dimana kehidupan saya teruji. Allah swt reveal the truth about my so called bestfriends and my love ones.

Saat saat kejadian tue, ya Allah, Tuhan saja yang tahu bertapa sakitnya itu menyeksakan jiwa raga saya. "Oh, begini rupanya sakit di khianati". Hinggakan airmata pun habis. Tiada suda yang maw keluar. Tidak mampu suda. Kering.

Ternyata hati bertambah kering. Lepas ini jangan cakap saya tiada hati atau kejam atau seangkatan dengannya. I treat people based on how they treat me.

I hate getting so sad to the point where my body completely shuts down, and all i can do is just lay there and think about all my problems.

That event make me realize that, no one can be trusted except your mother. Yes your mother. I finally realize siapa kawan sebenar, siapa dia yang sebenar. And it takes time untuk heal the scars and to trust again.

That second chance that i give him, saya pun tidak tahu kenapa. It feels like itu bukan saya. But what should i do then?

I just can go back to Allah swt and let him settle it down for me. I trust HIM for making me give him another chance.

That sad girl,



Tabung :)