02 September 2015

Random thought.

Assalamualaikum wbt.

Its been a while.

Ya. I know. Its unfair to write something unhappy here. But this is the only place yang boleh saya luahkan. Since only one or two person yang tahu kewujudan belog ini and I am very sure that they did not up-to-date or tak pernah jenguk pun belog ney.

Well, tinggal 2 bulan lagi habis PPW and I will move to Hospital Tawau and of course I feel sad coz betapa susahnya mahu adapt dengan staff di Hospital Likas ini. Then mahu pindah sudah tempat baru. Jauh dari hometown lagi. Sedangkan di KK seja pun malas maw balik Ranau, apalagi kalau suda di Tawau makin la saya malas.

Malam ini, no today I feel so emotional than before. I do not even know why. Overthink maybe. Fikir benda yang sepatutnya tak perlu pun. And now so into Avril Lavigne's song Nobody's Home. That song explain my condition right now.

"She is lost inside"

Apa yang hilang? Maybe iman dalam hati. Ya Allah. Nauzubillahminzallik. 

Here I meet someone special for me. We share many similarities. Our past almost the same. And she was the first person yang nampak saya nanggis. Ya. Sebelum ini I never cry in front of my friends. Even my bestie. But with her, i just can not handle it. Sebab kami kongsi kisah hidup yang sama. It feels like i meet my other half. I just want her to be happy, be strong and keep the promise we made after I leave. I feel sad to leave her alone here. I just hope our friendship will last forever even we were apart after this.

Mira, sorry. I have to go.

Enough, it hurts.



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