16 February 2015

Unsaid Word.

Sometimes I just feel like I don't want to write anymore.

It is not because I lack of the motivation nor the inspiration, it is because of them.
The people I want to write about. the ones who make emotions flow from every pore of my being, who leave me to drown in all of the words that flood my mind. I could write epics about your smile or laugh but if I did, it would change everything.
Right now with all of my unsaid words, I am safe and protected but if I unleash the gates and everything comes spilling out, I would not be able to run or hide from the truth anymore.I finally see how deeply you affect every bit of my soul and then I would not be able to escape.
Every time I write, I will think of you but you see, as long as I do not write, I will be safe from madness and the pain that I had feel when you leave.
#imissyou #crush #M.A.R #cp

This shy girl,

- yean - 

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Tabung :)